Carvings for Sale
Carvings from the heart...
One of my passions in life has been to carve the Word of God. Over the years this passion has grown in direct proportion to my ability as a carver. With each new skill acquired also comes a heightened desire to carve scriptures into wood.
For the last two decades I have also been teaching the Bible to adult students. The more I know about scriptures the more I find worthy of carving into wood . There is so much blessing in rendering into wood the wonderful works and promises of God.
These carvings, then, represent a sampling of the jewels I’ve found in scriptures. Some of the carvings will illustrate passages you are familiar with, while others illustrate stories and passages of the Bible that you have yet to discover. But each and every one of these carvings has come from the heart.
In fact these carvings are not the result of a customer-initiated commission. They were each carved “between commissions” and represent an opportunity to carve what is closest to my heart. During the process of carving these pieces I was not earning a living, but I was growing in faith, and for that reason each of these carvings is special to me.
That being said, I have not yet done a carving that was not for sale, and so each of these carvings is available for purchase and a permanent home.
Each carving is individually priced. Prices vary according to size and complexity.
To view a hi-res image of a carving, click the photo of it.
To purchase one of these carvings, email Bill Judt or call him at (306)-715-4919
Bill Judt lives in Saskatoon, SK, Canada, where he runs an active carving studio.