This project began in January of 2015, when I was commissioned by St. Gregory Catholic Church community in Coxs Creek, Kentucky to carve a series of 15 Stations based on the previous series completed for the Catholic Cathedral in Saskatoon, SK., Canada.
Each carved panel is 12” x 18” and two inches thick, carved in Hard Red Birch, a commercial grade lumber available to me through a hardwood distributor in Saskatoon. Red Birch is a lustrous and reflective wood, light in color and fine grained. But it is also very hard!
Unlike the 1st series of stations, this set would have no crosses or numerals. All of the patterns were updated - either rescaled or adjusted for clarity. The 15th station was completely redrawn to bring the portrait into line with the images of Jesus in all the other stations.

Stations of the Cross
2nd series, 2015
The Project

If you wish to contact Bill Judt, please use the form to the right.
All 15 panels were constructed over a period of several days, and set aside while the patterns were revised.
The patterns were later traced onto the prepared panels by hand, and readied for bandsawing on the perimeter of each pattern. Once this was completed, each carving was routered to set the depths of the layers according to each pattern.
Then the carving began. Four stations were completed at a time, and then shipped to the customer in custom-made crates. As soon as once shipment went out the door I started carving the next four stations.
During the carving process I was able to stay in close contact with the Catholic parish in Cox's Creek. As each carving was completed, I would send digital photos to them, so they could follow the progress of the project.